Monday, June 16, 2008

School daze...

This morning was Alexandra's first drop-off at day care. This. Was. Not. Easy.

The major issue was not that we have never left her (see previous post about partying like rock stars), or that we don't trust Miss Prem and all the folks at Tutor Time. The problem is... she is so damn cute that we just didn't want to leave. We wanted to stay right there and roll around on the floor and play with her all day. But, it turns out, that is frowned upon. So we left her.

Michele hasn't started back to work yet (I had to go in to the office to get my mind off the little cutie) so she was around all day. She had threatened early on to go pick her up after a couple hours and call it a test run. But, after dropping her off this morning she promised to give it at least most of the day. This. Was. Not. Easy.

We arrived around 8:30am and started what will apparently be routine some day. A little paper work. Put her prepared, labeled, dated food in her tray in the fridge. Put her clothes and sheets and what-not in her little dresser drawer. She was a total trooper and was having fun just checking out all the babies and toys. She went to Prem with no problem and no fuss and promptly started to pull her hair. Michele reminded Prem that there isn't a lot of hair to pull at home, so it might take some getting used to. We said our goodbyes and there were no tears (from her or us!) and we left her to make new friends and spit up on brand new people.

We actually made it until almost five o'clock before we picked her up. We wanted her to have her four o'clock feeding there (oatmeal & carrots... yum!) to make sure that she would eat in the ultra-stimuli environment. When we arrived she was on the floor checking herself out in a mirror, clearly in a food coma. I went over to say hi and she squealed with delight and recognition and started to giggle. This may be one of my top five moments of all time... wait, let me double check, in no particular order:

1. Baby comes out safe and sound.
2. The tumor is just plain gone.
3. Marry the coolest chick I know.
4. My parents buy me an Atari.
5. Alex is pleased to see me.

Yep, it's in there.

Every day they will give us an "Infant Gram" when we pick her up. This is right up my alley people. The only thing I would change is to add some charts. Nap times, feeding times and amounts, diaper changes and outcomes... I love it. Plus there are all kinds of notes on how her day went. Apparently and unsurprisingly she was happy, active, fussy only when hungry or tired, and had a blast playing with toys, the mirror, and of course her toes.

Everybody loved her and she seemed super happy... best case scenario. Tomorrow her cousin Maxwell will be there to play with so it should be even more fun!


Tammi and Family said...

OMG, she has to be the cutest one at school!! Let her know that her Aunt Tammi is missing her and hopes that her next day at school is just as good as her first!! Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

I never thought about the "not a lot of hair to pull at home" thing. Babies whose fathers don't have facial hair tend to be either fascinated or frightened by my dad and his moustache, so I guess she's fascinated with this relative unknown too!

Fortunately hair grows slowly so she'll have time to get used to Michele's hair as it grows out, unlike babies who get FREAKED OUT when their previously facial-haired fathers shave it off.

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

I love the "infant gram" very handy to know what went on throughout the day. Isn't it the best when the get excited after they haven't seen you in a while!?!