Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday without the 'rents

The morning started early... at about 5:30. We thought she would go back to sleep but it seems we weren't in luck. Alex is aware that we aren't her parents and she got very sad at some points of the day. We are all working through it.
After some breakfast, we all went to the farmer's market. Alex is a regular at the farmer's market with her parents. We picked up Wes' shopping list and this lovely bonnet for Alex.
It is very interesting how when one is carrying a baby, it seems like an invitations for any stranger to stop and have a conversation! Anyway, we had a lovely time.
Later in the day, after a nap, we started playing with Alex's new Balls. She is Amazing with the balls. Considering her age, she is very capable working with her hands and feet with this ball! She was doing this yesterday as well. I had to tape it! She isn't even concentrating on her actions and she has both hands and feet working this ball.
The only trouble of the day was when Alex had some issue with her cereal not agreeing with her. We have decided to change the menu and switch from Multi Grain to Rice to see if things improve. Also, another friend, Melissa, came over to help in the evening. Parents are back in the morning!


Anonymous said...

Great hat!

Michele said...

Cute bonnet! Now she fits in at the farmer's market.