Friday, May 30, 2008

Blah, blah, blog...

A little bit of everything as we get ready to head to chemo:

*Today is the last full blown Chemo!! Rock 'n Roll!

*Last night we experienced the first sweet potato poo... not pretty.

Michele's garden is rocking!

*Alex was officially five months old yesterday. I am increasingly disconcerted by her progression... I need to take more pictures.

*Otto a king of Bavaria, started every morning by shooting a peasant. To oblige him, his subjects would secretly give him a pistol loaded with blanks; a person dressed as a peasant would drop to the ground at the sound of the gun.

*Alex has started to prefer to sleep on her side. It is adorable.

1 comment:

Michelle Hutchinson said...

She is soooo adorable I can't get enough of these pictures. Keep 'em coming. Garden isn't too shabby either! Want to do the wedding ;)