Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day CHemo Bonanza...

A little bit of everything as we get ready to go to chemo, again...

*My dad had a heart attack yesterday. Everything seems to be going well considering. He was flown via helicopter from Adrian to Toledo and had three stents put in to help clear the blockage and let the blood flow more freely. We hope he will be home today.

*I'm glad that ESPN doesn't have anything better to do than rerun the Pistons game in the middle of the night. I fell asleep in the first half last night, but luckily Alex REALLY wanted me to be up early (I mean early) this morning, so I saw the second half... bonus!

*Michele's hair growth is getting out of control.

*Tenochtitlan is an ancient central American city created by migrating indigenous peoples who believed they were commanded by the God's build in an exact location. When they got there, there was a lake/swamp,to so they built on an island. When they ran out of room they just made the island bigger by weaving organic material, floating it, planting on top of it until it was basically land... how cool is that?

*Alex is officially the cutest... with the possible exception of Michele.

*One more chemo after today... Rock 'n Roll!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad they caught your dad's heart attack and could jump into action! Tell him your blog-readers say "Rock 'n' Roll!"

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

We don't know what to say, other then "we hope everything goes good with your dad and that he does come home today."

Greg said...

So sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope all goes well. We are praying for you and your familiy. All the best.

Michelle Hutchinson said...

Shit, I'm glad your Dad is ok. My Dad had open heart surgery 2 years ago and is doing super good and your Dad is going to be good too. Wow, I'm sorry. I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.