Thursday, April 24, 2008

Screamy Mimi...

So, have I mentioned the screaming thing yet? Last week Alex realized that she could scream at the top of her lungs anytime... not just when she's upset. Happy? Scream! Something funny? Scream! The sun came up? Scream!

Luckily she is so adorable that it's bearable. I find myself getting in to screaming contests with her. I'm right in her face, she screams, I scream., she screams, I scream. It's hilarious to both of us... and nobody else in the house.

I might be creating a monster.


Anonymous said...

its the Harrington coming out in her!!


Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

So your not supposed to scream back at your child??? They way I see it you are just helping with her developing verbal skills.

Anonymous said...

She's scary when she screams! I do not know what to do with her, especially if I can't see her face and can't tell if it's a happy-scream or a sad-scream.