In the last week, Alexandra has developed some new skills.
The first is that she now all about putting things in her mouth. She typically has her hands in her mouth but as this picture shows, she likes putting her stuffed animals in her mouth as well.
The second skill is her ability to bring her knees up to her chest. Now I really didn't think that this was a skill that would be worth mentioning before motherhood, but now it seems so cool that she makes herself into a little ball. She seems to get so much enjoyment from grabbing her feet. Now the next phase is going to be her combining these two skills into one- eating her feet.
There are so many things before motherhood that don't seem to be a big deal. But after motherhood, you count the number of laughs or smiles and make sure to let everyone around you know about it!! I know I do!!! The good thing is you have this log to document each and every milestone!! Love you.
Feet in mouth... that's an important prerequisite to biting her toenails. I wonder if she'll do that... I mean, not that anyone would do that, but maybe, just maybe, she'll try it.
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