The whole time we can't help but eavesdrop on the two older ladies next to us complaining about all the things that have changed since they were young. Did you know you can't even smoke in restaurants? And you have to wear seatbelts? And kids, even if they're in the backseat, have to wear seatbelts! "Why, when we had kids, we would throw them in the bed of the pickup with the dog, some bottle rockets, a road flare, and some chewing gum and head for the UP and they were fine." We were cracking up.
Finally, after 45 minutes of waiting Michele asked what the hold up was. Apparently they were short a nurse and running behind. Ugh.
After that things started to roll along. Drugs, drugs, drugs. We had our lunch, talked, read, and for the first time at chemo Michele actually got a little sleep. We were off in a corner alone so she was able to relax and take a quick nap, which she needed.
There was a lot of waiting, but we got out of there around five and ahead home to have dinner and play with the little one. Michele seems to have slept OK last night, so hopefully she will feel good today and get to work in her garden. Rock 'n roll.
It does kind of suck that you have to do so much waiting, but you always seem to have some good stories that come from all of that waiting!
Glad Michele is still doing ok with her treatments.
slkjasncsioiaweroi nsiofdas oinsoakner co iasfnasihfoi oianfaio
(Sorry - too drunk to comment.)
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