Finally a nice day on chemo day. It was beautiful outside and Michele got to spend some time working in her garden (spring clean up!) before we had to pack up and head to the hospital.
Pretty average day at chemo. Phlebotomist, check in, wait. We drew Patti as our nurse (she was the nurse we had our first time there) and settled in to a semi-private area. Drugs, drugs, drugs. Michele
No Viking Mike. No Jabba. But, rest assured, there is never a shortage of characters at chemo. Just in the three stations closest to us there was:
* An older gentleman who told the nurse he was very tired. He was a diabetic. "What have you eaten today?" inquires the perky nurse. "A donut."
"That's it?"
"A donut."
"What did you eat yesterday?"
"I think I had some soup."
This went on for a while. She had to come around and wake him up (SNORING!!) and force him to eat. We don't feel so bad about the burgers we had last night.
* A very nice lady who apparently had brain surgery recently. Quite pleasant, but without full use of her vocabulary yet. Most questions were answered with an enthusiastic "Okey dokey". Adorable.
* A gentleman with a port in his chest that needed to be flushed out. We actually don't know what was happening. All we saw was a tube coming out of his chest and what appeared to be blood flowing in to big glass bottles. I thought we were back in the 1300's and it was a good old fashion blood letting to relieve him of evil humors. It was interesting, perplexing, and gross.
Overall, a pretty normal day at chemo. Boring, weird, and somewhat fun. Then it was home to hang out with Alex and celebrate Carmen's birthday.
Six more sessions to go... Rock 'n Roll!
Great picture of Michele and Alex! Glad everything went smooth and wish Viking Mike would show up again, maybe he is elbow deep in sheep $#!* because of the nice weather.
I am missing viking mike...
I totally forgot about Viking Mike's Sheep $#!+. Haaa! That totally could explain his absence.
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