Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Alex would take a bath multiple times a day, everyday if we let her. I know we have mentioned her love of baths before but she shows no signs of waivering from this enjoyment. What is really funny is that now she knows the process for her bath- like she knows the steps. First we start the water and dump her frog. Her frog contains all her bath toys and is stuck on the shower tiles. As the tub is filling up with water, we take socks, pants, and shirt off. We then wait for the tub to be filled and temperature checked prior to taking off her diaper- it seems that the sound of water does have an effect on Alex.
Once in the tub, she plays with her toys. Then we wash her body and then her hair. She is down with all of this-she never has issues when we dump a bucket-full of water on her head...these days her new phrase is wwhhhhoooaaa after the water is dumped. She is a crack-up!! We then spend more time playing with her toys. Then we ask her if she is "all done"- signs and all. She answers by pointing to the frog on the wall. She knows that her toys need to get scooped up into the frog and even helps. Then when the tub is completely empty- she likes to splash. It is always the last thing she does. Last night Wes asked her to splash while her toys were still in the tub- once they were removed, she had to do it again!
I just think she is so smart and it amazes me how quickly she gets things- where her toys are in the tub- can pick out the pink pig, the yellow boat, her duck, etc. The whole having a process thing is a bit concerning though- too much of a daddy's girl already. He loves things in order and by a schedule and she is following in his footsteps....


Anonymous said...

I think she is the brightest, smartest and cutest baby - GIRL - I have ever seen. Hey I can't exclude Bob and Max that would be soooo improper.

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

She is adorable! Such a happy girl, and Megan is right with her in wanting to take baths as much as possible. Can't wait for pool season, I'm curious to see if either Megan or Alex will be as excited in the pool as they are in the tub!?!

Michelle Hutchinson said...

I think it's interesting and so cute that she likes her routine for the bath. Does she love the bath so much that she loves everything about it? So cute. Maybe Wes could take video of it next time . . . and put it on that Alex U-Tube movie site that's the best thing ever.

Michelle Hutchinson said...

I guess there is a bath video but I need to wait. Sometimes the videos don't work right away out here on the West Coast so I can practice my patience apparently.