Friday, March 20, 2009

How much is that gog in the window...

Alex is fascinated with dogs. Last week when we would see or hear a dog she would point and say "gog". Now whenever we go outside, prompted by an actual pup or not, she points next door (home of gog #1) and repeatedly says "gog, gog, gog" Alas, given our schedules and overwhelmedness with Alex alone, this is as close as she'll be getting to having her own gog for a while...


Michelle Hutchinson said...

Well I understand that gogs can be a bit of work, but think of what great material you would have for your viewers? I vote for a Harrington gog.

Anonymous said...

Since I like both of the Adult Harringtons I will abstaine from voting on the dog issue. Perhaps if one of you win the next Presedential election you could get one.

As always the pictures of Alex are adorable and the real life Alexandra is quite endearing and engaging.