Today we went grocery shopping. We do this every Friday. And every Friday she grunts out a pea soup nightmare in her diaper on the way there. After changing her and dropping the package in a metal trash can baking in the sun (oof) we head in to the store.
In spite of the parade of old ladies who assume it's okay to talk to me because I have a cute baby I tend to go off into a world inhabited by only Alex and I. I tell her what we're looking for, describe things to her, ask her opinion... "...if you had teeth, what kind of cereal would you want?". If I thought about it I would assume that to the casual Friday afternoon shopper this is adorable if a little weird. Speaking of weird, here is the conversation I found myself having in the middle of Whole Foods today...
"Something stinks... you stink... how could you have dropped another deuce after I just cleaned you up?... are we going to have to abandon our cart and go back to the car? let me check... hey, no surprise... no poop... must have just been a poop flavored fart..."
At which point I realize I'm in a crowded store. This is not a brand of crazy that I could have anticipated. All this talking had better pay off.
As a mother of a three year old little all the talking does pay off. My daughter starting talking early and has not stopped since. She has a large vocabulary and learns new words all the time. Keep up the good work and Alex will be talking your ear off in just a few short months.
Whole Foods is about being "natural" so I think your poop flavored fart comments fits in perfectly! And if it makes you feel less odd, I do the same thing with Megan at the store, plus add in some random singing! But in Adrian people think I'm weird instead of thinking it's cute and a sign of a good parent.
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