Saturday, January 19, 2008

Day after chemo treatment #1

Wes provided a really good summary of the treatment in yesterday's entry.

I felt fine during the treatment. When the chemo was being administered it felt like nothing at all. Afterward, when I stood up I felt a bit light headed but nothing else.

I started to get a headache before we got home. I took a nap thinking that it would help, but still woke up in pain. The pain grew and by the evening had a migraine. I hadn't had a migraine since I was first pregnant with Alexandra- really haven't missed them. Along with the pain in the head, and light sensitivity, I was quite nauseas. Not sure if it was the migrane or the chemo. I had taken 3 anti-nausea medicines throughout the day but still added one more. I think the migraine was generate from the tension of the last few weeks and just culminated because of the events of the day. I took a bath and another anti-nausea medicine that also helped me sleep. Wes took the entire night shift with Alexandra so I was able to sleep for 8 hours. It has been since the second trimester that I have gotten un-interupted sleep. I owe Wes big time.

Today I feel pretty good. I am getting a bit tired again but I have no headache or nausea. I am glad one treatment is done. I am still anticipating some more side effects in the next couple days but so far so good.

Thank you for all the people that have continued to provide support through well wishes, gifts, flowers and food. The generosity has been overwhelming to both Wes and me. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Your blog is a great way to share your Great Adventure and it clearly shows your awesome attitudes! Keep them both up.
Oh yeah....awesome little girl too! She looks as grown up as Maxwell. Now your Mom has two to spoil :-)
David & Carol

mom and dad h said...

sounds like everything is going superdyduperdy... keep up the good work...

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

We all knew that Wes was a great guy, but who knew that he would be "Super Husband/Dad" We are glad to hear that your first treatment went well and that so far you haven't had too many side effect. Hopefully it will stay that way.

Anonymous said...

Rock 'N Roll Michele!