Wednesday, January 23, 2008

5 days post first chemo treatment

All in all, the first chemo treatment went well. Well I say it went well but I am only talking in regards to the effects on me. I have had some issues sleeping but no other side effects from the drugs. Not sure if the sleeping issue is due to having a 3 week old baby or the cancer. Maybe a combo of both.
I have an ECHO on my heart this week. One of the side effects of the drugs is to weaken the heart. This test is to get a baseline on my heart function. I am getting experience in regards to all kinds of these tests- PET, Ultrasounds, ECHOs.


Anonymous said...

I say blame the baby. This is your first opportunity to wield the weapon of Mother's Guilt.

Anonymous said...

Srah... I don't thing that little trick would have a place in the "Baby Manual" you previously mentioned. Good one!

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

I say blame the baby. The first few weeks are exhausting even if Alexandra seems to be sleeping a lot. We are glad the hear that the first round went smooth. And yes start using the mothers guilt you've earned it!

Anonymous said...


Congratuation on new pretty princess baby.
Hopely take care and come back to desk soon.


jiyong and ilhyun..