Monday, May 4, 2009

Bloggin' ain't easy...

We started this blog to keep people informed while we were hiding under the blankets for a few months. It wasn't even our idea... Robin came up with it and even set it up. But it took off and became a joy, a relief, and therapeutic to write things here. Now we realize that it is as much about documenting our lives for ourselves as anything... but hopefully still mildly entertaining, a distraction for our friends and families. While the number of posts that we write per month has stayed pretty consistent (until last months pitiful showing), it seems harder and harder to find things to write, and the time to write them...

Some of this difficulty is due to the slow normalization of our lives. Cancer is gone. Alex is a person. Things feel settled again. It's hard to sit down every day and say, "XYZ is what happened today." XYZ happens everyday for the most part. I worry that I bore the people reading this... assuming there are any left. It feels like things are slowing down.

The other part is that Alex is not slowing down. Alex lives life at a full sprint. She's a hoot, she's fun, she keeps us running and laughing until bed time and then we crash. We used to have a good coincise story every day. We used to have several good, sharable pictures every day... not we have this:

Hundreds of pictures of super cute moments that we almost caught. Tons of stories that we were going to post but never found the time. Moments and trips and giggles that we won't remember some day.

So I am going to recommit to the blog. I will try to update more often. I will try to get the "1 year plus" photo album up. I will try to better document the best days of my life with the best girls in the world.

So if you see us in the real world, outside of this little box, and something cool/cute/"damn I should remember this" happens... tell me to write it down and find some time to share it.


Michele said...

Aaaaahhhh is so good to see one. You are the best husband and I thank you very much for being the primary blogger in the family.

Michelle Hutchinson said...

!Gasp! I read your blog at least twice a week! Don't stop! I love it. And the quality of your blog is excellent. It must be hard, but YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

I feel the same way about our blog sometimes I feel as though I am starting to repeat pictures and stories of playing in the sand, but everyone alsways tells us that the love reading it, so I just keep posting. So to the Harrington family, the Schutte family says "We love reading your blog! It's fun to see and read about funny/cute Alex stories."

Amy said...

I vote to keep the blog and for you to re-engage. I love the stories, pictures, and lovely videos of the precious Alexandra.

I'm still here checking everyday for a new posting.

Way to go Harringtons!!!