Saturday, April 25, 2009


I am not handy. That's not to say that I'm not competent, eventually... but I'm just not good with my hands or home projects. Luckily I'm also quite impatient and short tempered, especially while attempting said domestic labor. But I digress...

When we first bought our house six years ago there was a long list of improvements we would soon make. When recently talking to our neighbors about what they had to do to get their house ready for sale we realized we have accomplished few things from our list. Number one, at least on Michele's list, was the vanity in the upstairs bathroom... and so she decided it was time.

Our bathroom is weird. Teal tile, pink tub, and very little room for the door to open/close. The custom sink and vanity (stock from 1954!) worked spatially if not aesthetically. Demolition is my strong suit, and so it began.

Simple project... it took us all damn day. Between Alex, Michele, and I we made seven separate trips to the hardware store. I yelled, I cursed, I sweat. Alex found it all to be hilarious. But it's done... what do you think?


Lindsay said...

I love that vanity! I wanted it for our bathroom... and I can't remember why we didn't end up with it.

carmen zoraida said...

I am glad I was not there when it was happening. It looks like an incredibly great job!!!!!. Such smart cookies.

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

I love that sink!!! I have seen it before and I think it is perfect! Good job and you provided amusement for Alex while doing it.

Cheryl said...

I am glad that Alex can chip in. Did she remember to fill up the car on her trip to the hardware store?