Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Alexandra- the gardener

Ha! Alex loves the out of doors. She is now able to say outside and says it within five minutes of coming in from outside. This weekend we had a chance to do some yard work. Wes and I were shovelling rocks, weeding and digging ditches. Good times. Well during all this, Alex was running around the yard- following Wes with the wheel barrel, climbing on benches and picking up small rocks. She loves rocks and unless you catch her, she will keep them clasped in her hands all day. The picture shows the cute hat that my mother found for her in A2. She amazingly keeps it on her head- I think it is because she equates hats to being outside because of her winter hat. So hopefully we are raising a little gardener- like her mom- like my mom.

My mother's day weekend was quite nice- very busy though. It was lots of time spent with our family. I was happy to see Alex behave so well with everyone. She loved playing with her cousins in Adrian on Sunday morning. In the evening we had my mom and my sister's godmother over for dinner. She was a joy- interactive, inquisitive, smiling and all around pretty happy. I know that no child will come out of childhood unscathed but I just see the joy that Alex has and it is contagious. Hope that she doesn't loose that!!


Cheryl said...

I'm glad that you're having so much fun together and you had a good Mother's Day! It is funny how in the first picture she looks so much like you and in the second picture so much like Wes. I know I have said that before but it is just amazing.

Harini said...

she is such a cutie in her little hat!

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

I love her face in the last picture, too cute!

I don't know if you need any, but for the little gardner in our family, we found Megan/Alex size rakes, shovels and everything garden at Meijer's, in the toy section. Megan LOVES her rake. I have a feeling that Alex will take to gardening real quick!