Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm Alexandra Harrington, and I approve this message...

You people are old. Okay, some of you aren't that old, but compared to me? Come on. The choice that each of you have the opportunity to make tomorrow will impact greatly upon the world that I am left when you are all gone. Until babies are finally given the right to vote, we have to depend on you people. So please, think about it.

Why did so many people like The West Wing? More to the point, why did President Bartlet (Martin Sheen) seem to be such a fantastic President? Was it because he was a liberal Democrat? A conservative Republican? No. It was because he was smarter than us. He was more even tempered than us. He was serious, contemplative, and able to see issues with an eye on history and a finger on the pulse of the world. He was what we need in our leaders... he was better than Joe Sixpack.

Which current candidate do you think this describes?

Whomever you are going to vote for tomorrow please take the time to vote. And, if you are wavering at all, for crying out loud vote for Obama... I am going to have to live with your decision for a long time.

**The views expressed in this post are not necessarily those of Alexandra Harrington or her mother, but they are that of her crazy, liberal papa.


Anonymous said...

I'm picturing Alex reading this in 20 years and going, "What's a West Wing? And who's Joe Sixpack?" Hopefully she will know Obama, though!

carmen zoraida said...

I imagine Alexandra reading this 5 years from now and saying,"right on Dad". And thinking " What a lucky child I am to have such a progressive and thoughtful father; no wonder he married my mother!!!".

Michelle Hutchinson said...

Right on Alex H. We have now made the decision to make the world a better place for your future. This is a great accomplishment!