Thursday, February 14, 2008

Top 5 %

Yesterday, I had my third checkup with the oncologist. We took Alexandra and the whole office really seemed happy to see such a cute baby- they kept calling her cute. When Dr. Chottiner examined the tumor, she said that she could not feel it. She was extremely pleased that the tumor has shrunk after 2 chemo treatments to a size that she couldn't feel. We were all smiling. Then she asked how I was feeling after the last treatment. I told her that I felt another migraine coming on but took the migraine medicine which stopped it. Other than that, I did not have too much nausea but just a general tiredness and feeling of not being myself. And that is when she said that I am in the top 5% in terms of dealing with the treatment. She said that AC treatment is very difficult and I am dealing with it really well. Who knew I was a rock star at chemo? Well to tell you the truth, I really don't feel like a rock star the week afterwards but apparently that is the norm. So I continue with the chemo tomorrow and feel motivated to finish the AC treatment (last one is Feb 29) and start the Taxol/Herceptin combo. The Taxol/Herceptin is going to be weekly but we have an end date booked- MAY 30th will be my last chemo treatment. All in all, another really good visit to the doctor.


Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

We love reading about all of the great news that is coming from the doctor. It's sounds like you couldn't ask for your treatments to go any better. keep the good news coming - Rock n Roll

Anonymous said...

It's lucky that your migraine medicine doesn't conflict with the other meds in some way!

Rock and roll, chemo rockstar!