Friday was my third round of AC. That makes me 75% done with the first round of treatment. In the picture you can see that I have an assortment of cold items on my tray. During the treatment, I need to have cold items in my mouth for about an hour during which the Adriamycin is administered. The cold items in the mouth is to help prevent mouth sores because of the reduced blood flow. The first two treatments, I was happy with ice chips. For some reason, ice chips really did not sound good anymore. They were out of Popsicles so we did a combo of ice cream and ice chips with ginger ale. Jen came up and went with me to the treatment. She had to endure more cold Michigan weather but it was great to have her for support.
They say that the chemo is cumulative. I will get more tired with the treatments and have a tougher time bouncing back. I thought that they were crazy but I am definitely having a more difficult time after the last round. I am more tired and nauseous. It is really frustrating because I just don't feel like myself. I am still having trouble sleeping but that tends to improve as the days pass. I am still focusing on the good news regarding the shrinking of the tumor and that this is the most difficult part- if I am to believe the doctors. I have already lost my hair- which now that it is gone, I am getting used to the cool breeze and quick showers.
Wes continues to take on more than he should- work, school, fatherhood and worried husband. We have called in support this week to help watch Alexandra during the day so that Wes can work and I can try to get some sleep. With her cute face- who wouldn't want to come and spend some time with her?
You guys look so cute together.
Ice cream and ginger ale! Are you familiar with the Boston cooler? I haven't tried it myself, but I keep meaning to. Apparently it's a Michigan thing!
you guys are adorable! I wish I could come into town and take care of alex so you can get some sleep!
I have to tell you that my first reaction to the picture of the two of you was, "Wow, what a beautiful picture."
Sorry to hear that chemo is taking it's toll, but keep looking at all of the good news. And Megan has here schedule down so if you need help during the day just call.
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