Friday, March 12, 2010


I am at home with a sick little one today. Not really sick sick... just a slight fever. She is acting fine and keeps telling me that she is not sick anymore, probably because she wants to go outside. She's a hoot.

When she was teeny tiny it was easy to work from home. You could plunk her down someplace and go about your business. Then one day this happened...

...and things got tougher. I work from home a couple days a week, and I found myself getting up at 4am just to get some stuff done. That and naptime were my only opportunities. The rest of the time she was all over me.

But today? Today she has been a pleasure (knock on wood - it's early). She is upstairs reading by herself while I work. Earlier she colored at the desk next to mine while I worked. Before that she played "Ring Around the Rosie" around my chair while I worked. The only interruptions coming when she needs to go potty. I could get used to this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And that is the Chilean in her. No matter how hard, she can get up and rise or raise(I never know) to the occasion.