Friday, January 9, 2009

Stop me if you have heard this before...

Wes, Bob, Robin and I are on a diet. Sure we were also on one last year but we lost that diet somewhere along the way. Well here it is, 2009 and we have found it again.

Wes and I were always tired and stressed. So we decided we need to do something about it. The truth is, we were less than cute. We snookered Bob and Robin into this deal and we are hoping that the group effort will make us successful.

We are already showing marked improvement already and it has only been a week. The real trick if finding time to work out. I know, very cliche but it is truth. The exercise part of the equation has been missing during the past attempts and so now, success is sure to come. Wes and I did this once with success and were able to maintain the weight loss prior to the cancer thing. That gives me confidence that we can do and show Bobin the way!!!

But I will say right here that unless we are achieving success, you won't hear another word about the diet!!!

1 comment:

Michelle Hutchinson said...

Good luck Bobin and Wechele. I think exercising is most fun when you are supposed to be working. Kind of like cleaning the house.