Thursday, January 15, 2009

Alex loves the phone

I knew that the phone would be an object of fascination for Alex because Max was all about the phone. Lately, Alex has been putting shoes, remotes, and phones up to her ear as if she is actually on the phone. It is really cute because she also mumbles, like she is talking.

Well today, she moved the phone use up a notch....she called Robin. Apparently, Robin had called at some point (note she was not the last person to call) and showed up in the caller id. Alex scrolled through some numbers and all of a sudden we hear Robin say hello on speakerphone. So Alex managed to push the previous calls button, scroll to find Robin's number, and push the speaker phone button. Initially, I interrogated Robin if she called, etc. Nope, Alex just wanted to see what was up with Aunt Ro.


Anonymous said...

How cute!

I wonder if she was as surprised as you were when a familiar voice came out of her phone!

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

Make sure you have an unlimited plan when she is a teenager!