Friday, January 23, 2009


... it's enough already. Alex has double ear infections and a recurrence of her RSV that has moved more in to her chest and may or may not be Bronchitis. The poor little thing is miserable. She has to have breathing treatments every four hours, which at least helps calm down the terrible wheezing she has been dealing with. She had to get more shots... antibiotics to handle the ear infections. Today is the first day in a week that she hasn't had a fever, so hopefully things are turning around. Oh yeah, and as a bonus some of her molars are starting to poke through to compound the agony.

The worst part is that she is uncomfortable and miserable and clingy... and Michele and I are tired and short tempered and feeling like the worst parental units in the history of reproduction (rational or not). If this baby doesn't start to be more healthy we are taking her out of daycare, quitting our jobs, and reinstating all of the chemo/newborn rules (few visitors, surgical masks, wash your hands!!) that effectively forced us to all live in a bubble.


Anonymous said...

Poor Alex...I hope she feels better soon! She looks so sad in the pic :(

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

Aww, I wish I lived in Ann Arbor so I could watch Alex while I'm home with Megan. I hope the worse part of this cold in over and she gets feeling better soon.

P.s. How ironic that the word I need to type in is "chesti"

Tammi and Family said...

Poor Baby!! If you need my help, I will do anything to do so. Do you need me to come to Ann Arbor this weekend to give you a break, or take a day off next week? I know how helpless you feel when you have a sick child, I can't stop the tears from comeing and hope that she feels better soon!!!

carmen zoraida said...

OK kids, stop the self flagellation otherwise I will have to wear my hair shirt every time I think that Michele got cancer because I am a bad mom. And I truly prefer not to use the shirt since it itches like nothing else you can imagine.

Tammi and Family said...

Kids get sick, there is no stopping it! If you blame yourself, you will just make yourself sick also and that helps no one. Kaden was sick that first 2 years of his life, all my vacation time was used to stay home with him. Keito still is on daily meds from breathing and breathing treatmenst about once a month in the winter. We love our kids and don't want them to be sick, but it still happens and it sucks!!! But don't blame yourself!! Love you all!!!