Saturday, January 17, 2009

She a maniac...

Between Christmas and her birthday Alex receive about eleventy billion toys, almost all of which play music on some level. It turns out to be fortuitous as she has taken to dancing. She sits in front of one of these toys, pushes the music playing button (usually buttons), and either bounces up and down or sways back and forth. This is always accompanied by a look at the nearest adult that says, "Are you seeing this? Do you see me?"

It is a bit odd that there doesn't seem to be any joy in this. No smiles. No giggles. Just a look of determination and a serious dedication to her craft. Her teachers tell us that she occasionally skips class activities to sit in front of the mirror and dance alone.

She's dancing like she's never danced before!


carmen zoraida said...

your child is gifted. Maybe she takes after her dad's creativity. Since she cannot write yet, she dances. How fun.

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

I was thinking the same thing. She knows why she does was she dos, even if we won't know why for years. She is cute!

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

Opps, I meant, "does what she does" not "dos" that's not a word!