Monday, January 24, 2011

Terrible too...

People always talk about the "terrible twos". The time in a young life filled with spitting, back-talking, throwing themselves on the dirty floor at Target and have a kicking, screaming fit. But Alex never really subscribed. We assumed she was perfect (equal parts luck and kick ass parenting). Then she turned three.

Light switch. At 8:19am on 12/29/11 she turned three, and at 8:20 she started screaming. She started talking back. She started lying... and then laughing about the lying. She now refuses to nap unless immersed in total darkness and quiet... and not napping just makes everything worse. It's terrible too.

Don't get me wrong, she is still pretty perfect. Just a little more opinionated. Timeouts still work... sometimes. And I think Michele and I have gotten a bit more Zen. We have decided that her screaming does not have to lead to us screaming. We try to giggle at the noise. It works... sometimes.

So, fair warning to all you potential owners of a three year old. Making it past two doesn't mean you won... it just means they're biding their time.


Amy said...

Just wait - four is perfection - and you started pretty darn close to perfection so four will be amazing.

carmen said...

You are still trying at 30 something. I mean both of you and yes, you are perfect.