Monday, January 3, 2011

Pepe, and Aimee, and Jorge oh my...

Alex loves Legos (Duplos, really), and she has been cultivating an increasing bucket-full for years now. The very first package she got a person in it and she named it (I'm pretty sure the first one was Pepe the bus driver), or rather we named him together. She was barely one and had a limited vocabulary, but she could say Pepe. It was adorable.

Then came more blocks, and more vehicles, and more people. Aimee and Jorge and George. Some of them she names and some we name together. It started to get difficult to remember them all.

Then, recently, she got a slew of new peeps between Xmas and birthday... many new names!! So we had to make a cheat sheet...

So, if you ever come over to play Legos with Alex... study up.

PS - they are all related by birth, marriage, or occupation too... but I'll save that post for a rainy day.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love the cheat sheet. Cool