Thursday, November 19, 2009


My dad went in for triple bypass sugery a couple hours ago... so we are just sitting around waiting. A few random thoughts to pass my time:

  • He was in good spirits and joining in on the swine jokes this morning (he is getting some piggy parts put in his heart along with some veins harvested from elsewhere in his body).
  • Apparently my nephew was worried about "Papa's broken heart" the other day. Ahhh.
  • Hospitals don't feel strange to me anymore. I guess anything can be normal if you endure it enough.
  • Thanksgiving plans for the Harrington clan are up in the air for now. Six grandkids might not be the best for the rest he needs.
  • Toledo Hospital staff has been hanging holiday decorations all around us... it'd not even Thanksgiving.
  • Everything's gonna be alright.

1 comment:

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

:( Sorry to hear that Wes. How is he doing now?