Last night our nephew's football team were all decked out in pink to promote breast cancer awareness... including Derek have Michele's initials on pink tape on his wrist. How cool is that?
Michele, Wes, Alexandra... we are not bloggers per se. We started this blog when Michele was diagnosed with breast cancer and Alex was born within a couple days of each other. What started as a way to keep people informed without having to talk about it all the time has become both cathartic and fun. It is at times about cancer. It is at times about how damned cute Alex is. It is at times about charts, friends, woodchucks, family, work, toys, and vacations. This is life... as we know it.
yeah! Good for Derek for being so considerate!!!!
Way to go!!!!!
That brought a little tear to my eye. So nice to see family support coming in all forms!
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