Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Poop peas...

Last weekend we finally had some time, some patience, and some panties and hunkered down to start actively potty training Alexandra. We have been passively working on it for about a month, just talking to her about it and sitting her there from time to time. But Saturday, armed with six "big girl" panties, we spent the day doing a lot of this...

...and not always in time. We were doing laundry by noon because all the panties, a couple outfits, and the floor got a good soaking.

The good news is that she has taken to the idea of it, if not the tangible practice. We spend a great deal of time sitting in the bathroom, though little happens other than reading. She asks to go often ("poop peas")... usually right after she has gone. But she is getting it, and she likes it.

The bad news is that I have been broken down and see no way around using two of my less favorite words: potty & panties. I fought for toilet, I pushed for undies. I may have even had Michele convinced. But every book, friend, teacher, grandmother, and song we encounter cheerfully says "take off your panties and use the potty!", so what am I going to do?


Amy said...

Sometimes you have to make a compremise for the greater good.

Good luck. I am sure she will be a quick study after all she is brilliant.

carmen zoraida said...

You could use calzones & other words that I do not dare write.

Jen Marr said...

What great news. I am laughing about the words. So cute!

Cheryl said...

It looks as if you just take her picture she will do anything. She's such a little ham and loves smiling for the camera. Good luck!