Saturday, October 31, 2009

A tale with two tails...

The lion and the dragon were having a terrible feud. The only meaningful conversation that they could muster was screaming "MINE" at each other from across the room. They were really at each others throats...

Though they had once been very close, an argument over a car had driven them apart. They found that they couldn't even look at each other...

Finally, after being forced to break bread (grilled cheese) together, the lion and the dragon realized the error of their way. Cars are fun... but much more fun when you play together. A hand extended for a shake quickly became a long overdue embrace...

And then they co-authored a self help/relationship book with a focus on conflict resolution called "Roar Fire". They went on a national speaking tour...The end.

Happy Halloween!


Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

Very cute story! The main characters are adorable. Hope they had fun on Halloween.

P.S. Wes you make my boring blog post seem very dull compared to your creative blogging skills.

Cheryl said...

How cute are they?

Amy said...

You are the most creative guy every. Your main characters are pretty endearing and adorable and the story was pretty cool.

They look so cute together.

Love your blog and your baby

carmen zoraida said...

Does it hurt to be soooo creative?