Sunday, September 13, 2009

Not so fast...

Michele's flight home from Dallas was canceled. I have to hope that Alex's tiny little brain has a short memory because the last thing she did before her night time routine was get right in my face, hands on my shoulders, and say, "Almost Papa? Almost?". It turns out I lied.

If all goes well she'll be there to pick the little munchkin up from daycare tomorrow. Let's hope so, because I am a terrible liar.


carmen zoraida said...

Did you really lie or did you tell her the truth as you knew it. This is another instance of not being a born English speaker. The nuances evade me.

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

Let's hope the Michele CAN pick her up from daycare! Although I can picture Alex saying "Almost?" with a little whimper/glee. Both mom and toddler will have a great bonding afternoon I'm sure.