Thursday, September 17, 2009

The butterfly effect...

Last weekend Michele was in Dallas, so Alex and I had to roll solo to watch Michigan football with the regular rabble.On the phone prior to game time she asked what the little munchkin would be wearing to the party. "Michigan won last week.", seemed like a perfectly reasonable response to me.

"So, she'll be wearing exactly what she wore last week..." I said, a bit irritated.
"You... are... nuts."

Now, I don't consider myself to be especially spiritual. I wouldn't say that I am superstitious, necessarily. But it makes perfect sense to me that the entire world is connected, if not directly, then indirectly and with a sensitive dependence on any given initial condition and the effects thereof. I don't think that a butterfly flapping a wing will cause a hurricane across the globe... but who am I to say that it can't.

Does Alex wearing this adorable outfit lead to Michigan winning? Probably not. But I won't be testing it, and Alex will be swathed in this exact uniform until it falls apart, or the Wolverines do.

I might be nuts, but I'm not crazy.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love the photo and the outfit of course.