Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hair cut

While Alexandra in no way needed a hair cut, we got her hair trimmed last week. I say that she didn't need a hair cut-only some hairs. Specifically those in the back of her head. She started to look like she had a tail...old school 80s style. Except that boys had those and it was just looking back. So I took her into my hair dresser for a quick trim.

She was a bit overwhelmed by the salon but as long as I was next to her, she was fine. We placed her on the booster and after a few snips here and a few to stack the back (?), she was done. Easy Peasy.

Alexandra looks no different, but we took her curl (I have no clue what the hell I am going to do with it). Another first for Alexandra. She is getting so big.


Unknown said...

That picture is priceless. The look on her face makes me smile!

Michelle Hutchinson said...

Aah, cutie.