Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Alexandra's 9 month checkup

On Monday we made the trip to the doctor for Alexandra's 9 month checkup. We had visited the after hours facility on Saturday because her ear infection was back so the visiting the doctor was fresh in her mind...not a good thing.

Here are her stats:

  • Height is 29''
  • Weight is 20.12 lbs
  • Head Circumference is 17.5''

What this means is that she is 95% in height, 90% in weight and 75% in head circumference. This is pretty consistent with her previous visit so that doctor is quite happy. She asked if she was crawling and playing peek-a-boo. Both of which she is doing. All in all, she was pretty happy with how healthy and happy she was with the exception of her ears. So she has really had 2 different ear infections since starting day care. It seems like a lot more because they start her off on the weakest antibiotic for 10 days. Then when it is clear that it hasn't killed the infection then she is upgraded to another antibiotic and that has done the trick. So unless she gets 6 ear infections in a year, a continuous ear infection for 6 weeks or is really upset/uncomfortable due to the ear infections, we don't need to get ear tubes. I am a bit concerned about tubes...I never had them and would prefer Alex not have to go under general anesthesia. Of course, if I had been able to breast feed I feel like this wouldn't even be an issue but enough beating myself for no reason....

Wes and I love our doctor. When we were talking about the ear thing, she asked us why we had gone to after hours care instead of just calling her. She then confirmed that we had her home number. We expressed our concern with calling her at home and she stated that she would not have given us her number if she didn't want us to call. We feel she thinks Alex is the coolest!!! She had such patience with checking her heart and ears that Alex didn't cry at all. This has not been the case during recent ear checkups. So yeah, our little girl is growing up fast!!


Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

Don't you just love hearing that Alex is healthy and happy. For the record, she is now bigger then Megan! It sounds like you found a great doctor and I hope Alex doesn't need tubes, but if she does they are nothing to worry about. Our friends had to have them for their son, they are smaller then a piece of rice and they said they were the best things ever for their son. But I still hope Alex doesn't need them.

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

One more thing, stop beating yourself up. You will never know with 100% certainty that Alex wouldn't have her ear troubles even if you did breast feed. Alex is healthy and happy because you and Wes and that is all you need to focus on.

Anonymous said...

Alexandra is a very healthy and happy baby. I know as much as we tell you not to worry, you're still her mom and will but...don't worry! :) Also, my brother and two cousins, all the same age, had ear problems. All were breast fed. One had tubes and one had a bigger surgery and all are fine now.

carmen zoraida said...

Well my Michele, all of you were breast fed on demand and all of you had ear aches. Your ears were very thin and tiny and when the doctor needed to check your ears, she always commented on that. I want her to do a miracle and cure your ears instantly. Robin would not take her meds and she ended up having shots instead of oral antibiotics and she was also grew out of them. So beat yourself if you must but we all know that this is the way the cookie crumbles.

Anonymous said...

Becky had tubes in her ears, and she turned out fine. And that was over 20 years ago! I bet things have advanced since then. I'm pretty sure she was breast-fed, too. So the ear thing could happen to anyone (we, as humans, are sort of poorly designed in that respect).