Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Early morning mayhem...

Our nephew Maxwell has stayed with us the last two nights while his little brother (Felix!!) was being born. It has been a blast. His bedtime is a little later than Alex's (and mine to be honest), and his wake up routine starts a bit later... but we have all worked together to make it work. Yesterday morning Michele and I got them up and fed them and packed them in two seperate cars, and then met back up at daycare to take them in together... holding hands as usual. It worked out nicely.

This morning was different. Michele had an early meeting and an hour commute. She left before either of the little angel started to stir. So, it was me and two two year olds. Alex woke up and immediately wanted to start harrassing Max. Max is a slow-waker-upper, and spent some time stretching and giving Alex dirty looks for being so energetic. Then we all had breakfast and played a little. Both needed to go potty, so we spent some time discussing the difference between boys and girls (graphically, but with proper medical terminology). Easy peasy.

Until it was time to get cleaned up and dressed up and out the door. You would think that two two year olds is twice the work of one. You would be wrong. There is an exponential multiplier at work... egging each other on. It was like wrangling cats, if cats could giggle, jump, and scream "NO" while still being adorable. It was enjoyably frustrating... because they looked like this:

Eventually I got them both in the car and we danced all the way to TutorTime. It was a hoot, and I don't think I could do it everyday. Good luck Michael & Cheri.


Unknown said...

Wes..you are the best. What an awesome uncle.

Anonymous said...

How I enjoyed visualizing this. And then, you miss the confusion. Oh. wait. Not you Wes. I salute you and Michel for taking two two year old. Wait till Felix joins the party.

Amy said...

I love the photo of Max and Alex. I can just imagine the fun that was had at your house. The Harrington househould is one awesome home and the people inside are - PRICELESS -

Michelle Hutchinson said...

Wow they are darn cute! Congratulations to Michael and Sherry!

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

Very cute! And I can relate to Max's struggle of not being a morning person. Glad it all worked out and congrats on your new little nephew! Can't wait for pictures of all 3 cuties together!