Monday, February 8, 2010

Don't want to...

Alex is struggling. Which means we are struggling.

She switched to a new room at daycare at the beginning of the year... Twaddlers. It is the way station between Toddlers (see: toddlers) and Preppers (see: Preparing for Pre-school). She knows most of the little ones in there and her best friends are there with her. She should love it.

The first week they told us that she was having a tough transition. She was having trouble getting to sleep and crying. She was asking where Pap was, where Mama was. It sucks hearing that. But she was fine at drop off and fine at pick up. Just a phase.

Then she started saying that she didn't want to go. "Don't want to Papa." We still drop her off at Toddlers because Twaddlers opens later. This might be part of the problem... being dropped off someplace comfortable and then dragged away an hour later. She was getting better they said. She wasn't crying anymore... they said.

Thursday I dropped her off, and it was the normal routine. Put away her stuff in Twaddlers, went to Toddlers, set her up with a snack, chatted up the teacher, big kiss, have fun today. I walk out the door and turned back to wave through the window as always. And greeting me was the saddest little face I have ever seen. Tears to make a crocodile blush. Red face, mouth agape, sobbing. And I did what I never do, I went back in. I held her and told her it would be alright and she said, "I want you Papa, I want go home Papa" over and over again. I finally had to just give her a kiss and leave because the alternative was to scoop her up and run out the door and never come back. It was heart breaking.

I hope it gets better, because it can't get much worse than that.


amy said...

My heart breaks for you as much as for her. I know how difficult it is to walk away when they are soooo sad. I am sure that she will settle in and then it will be much better for you.

Doesn't it amaze you that this little person has only been in your life for 2 years and you didn't even pick her yet she is so intrical to your being that her moods can so dramatically affect your life.

Cheryl said...

That is a very sad story. I am sure she will adjust, but I know it must be hard until that happens.

I don't understand why Twaddlers opens later. Do many of these Twaddlers have early morning jobs and don't need to come in until later? That doesn't make sense.