Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Michele is clearly never going to tell you all about her trip last weekend to Arizona. So I have decided to just post some of her pics and make up my own synopsis (ruthlessly plagiarized)... please feel free to invent your own story as well.

Michele and Jen play Thelma and Louise, two working-class (riiight) friends who together have planned a weekend getaway from the men in their lives. Thelma's husband, Darryl (Wes), is an overbearing oaf swell fella, and Louise's boyfriend, Jimmy (Adam), simply will not commit stop being great. Though the road trip starts out as a good time, the pair eventually wind up at a spa. A tipsy Thelma ends up in the parking lot of the spa with a would-be masseuse. Louise shoots tips the man dead. The two decide that they have no choice but to go on the run. They eventually meet up with a young criminal named J.D. (Brad Pitt), whose cowboy spirit rubs off on the timid Thelma. The pair is pursued by a police officer (Harvey Keitel) sympathetic toward their plight. He chases them to the resort bar, where the women make a fateful decision about their lives. They hold hands, close their eyes… and order another drink.

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