Monday, August 10, 2009

Life... as it should be...

We took a long weekend this week and visited a couple groups of friends... first stop, Leland. After much promising, we visited our friends Tom & Phyllis at their beautiful home up north. We had a blast and started the process of relaxing. We arrived Friday evening and just hung out and puttered around Leland checking out the sites. It was Art Walk and so the town was buzzing and the stores/galleries were pouring free wine... yum...
We got up Saturday morning and, after an amazing home cooked breakfeat, settled in for more down time. We chilled, read, napped, shopped, went to a couple vineyards and ended the day with another fantastic meal thanks to Tom...
Sunday... another great breakfast, and then it was out on the lake. Alex loved it. She was excited about seeing so much aqua, ecstatic over every boat, loved the speed and even got a chance to drive!

Then it was off to Grand Haven for more adventure (details pending). Thanks Mendenhalls!!!


Anonymous said...

You know someone named Phyllis Mendenhall? That doesn't seem like it would be a common name at all, but I know someone named Phyllis Mendenhall down here!

Mom & Tom said...

We did enjoy having the three of you up here to visit. Alex is a real cutie. How is all that fruit in the morning?

Tom & Phyllis